Student Checkout Procedures

Crawford County High School’s Checkout Policy

  • Students leaving campus during the school day must sign out through the office and have authorization from office staff before leaving.

  • A student is allowed to leave school during the school day only with written parental permission or after the office staff has called the parent or parent designee and received written consent for a student to be dismissed.

  • Transportation and sign-out notes should be brought to the office by 8:00 AM to allow staff to verify.

  • Parents and designees must present a picture ID when signing students out of school.

  • Information sheets must be on file or the student may not be allowed to sign out.

  • When a student must sign out and sign back in on the same day, he/she must have a note from a parent.  The note must state the date, reason for leaving,approximate time the student will return and the phone number and signature of the parent.


Without a valid doctor’s note, no students will be dismissed from class or signed out by a parent between 3:00 and 3:35.  Students throughout the campus are being dismissed at various intervals during this time, and it is an usually hectic period in our daily schedule for all personnel.  We respectfully request that parents plan to have your student dismissed prior to 3:00 if a late in the day dismissal cannot be avoided.